Aerospace and Defence Consulting
What is the Defence Industry?
Planetport is the best defence industry expert in Estonia!
The defence industry can be seen as a set of companies offering products and services specifically designed for military use. Such companies are parties of the defence industry, irrespective of the share of military goods in their sales.
Oligopolistic market
The defence industry meets the characteristics of an oligopolistic market, as there are a few vendors and even fewer buyers, where the state has the central role of the contracting authority and project supervisor.
In an oligopolistic market, the optimal behavior of a company often depends on the behavior of its competitors. Such a market not only raises prices and leads to stagnant performance, but also leads to irregular and volatile demand, which in turn leads to a depletion of national industrial infrastructure and a reduction in skills and capabilities.
Long-term partnership is expected
The defence industry and state as a customer are moving from simple buying-selling transactions to long-term partnerships, where the service plays crucial role in value proposition.
Therefore, more attention is paid to life-cycle management and after-sales services. Asset acquisition is accompanied by contracts / obligations for spare parts, maintenance, upgrades and destruction. In the case of large-scale programs, this is no longer about generating revenue through the transfer of goods, but much of the revenue is generated through services.
Leaning toward value co-creation
Value creation is a continuous process where all parties create common value in the environment in which they exist . The value proposition in defence industry must be valued on the basis of the customer’s value creation.
For a company, providing a service means supporting the customer’s operations with resources and communication so that the customer can create value for themselves.
10 characteristics of the defence industry:
1. High entry barrier: state is the customer and the product / service is a defence instrument, so the total number of transactions is small.
2. Unpredictable market behaviour is directly related to national positions and internal and external policies.
3. Heavy regulatory restrictions on exports, imports and sourcing.
4. High-tech and innovative sector that applies smart solutions.
5. Transactions in the sector are long-term and require the cooperation of the parties from the identification of capability gaps until their disposal.
6. Starting in the sector is capital-dependent and long-term but exceeding the threshold may well pay off.
7. The sector produces equipment subject to restrictions and special requirements on handling and production (instruments of violence).
8. Both the customer and the supplier look forward to constructive cooperation, which does not always involve a sale and purchase transaction, but by mutual development and support.
9. There may be specific security requirements for market participants when handling confidential information.
10. The market owners are large companies in the defence industry, the opportunities for SMEs are innovation and smart solutions or outsourcing to large companies.
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